Thursday, January 12, 2023

Blog Post #1 - Five Top Sources for News and Information

My Top 5 Sources

I use multiple different types of news channels/sources, depending on the topic at hand of course. Different media outlets are able to tell so many different things is you look hard enough. There are outlets for cooking, arts, media, politics, schools, celebrities, movies, brands, and so much more, but finding the perfect ones for you is harder than it could appear. When finding the sources that I use everyday I had to go through trial and error to figure out what was best for me and what I needed knowledge on. I have found the best sources for which that capture the stories that I want to gather information on. 

When it comes to my personal favorite news source for art, I use, which was established in 1902. This source has been a personal favorite for me to keep up with the most recent things that are happening in the art world. This website gives you details on the classic news, such as people who are representing their countries in major galleries, the market, which details the new up and coming firms and galleries, artists, collectors, and even recommendations. 

Another news source that I use in order to get news on art is Arts Journal. This news source is one of the ways that I primarily learn about all different types of art. This source goes into detail about media, music, people, theatre, dance, and virtually all different types and kinds of art. It also dives into the cultural aspects of art and the differences between people and how it has shaped different forms of art. 

When I want to look at a topic that is more political/everyday news I tend to use Being from Atlanta, GA, we have visited many times for both school trips and to just overall experience the little town inside the headquarters. CNN is able to give me news on the most critical topics of day to day life and things that are not necessarily know via being on social media apps. 

Another news source that I use when it comes to political/everyday news is Forbes. Forbes gives information on things such as the political, up and coming, and more. Forbes has given me information on celebrities and news that I know I otherwise would not have known. Forbes is also big on their ability to teach financial skills, as cited by the Forbes Advisor page.

I use The New York Times as well, in order to collect information. The New York Times, as said in an article by Paul Glader for Forbes Magazine, is a very "influential newspaper." Paul Glader has also said that The New York Times is a more left-leaning view, but they keep to their journalistic morals and keep information as standard as they can. The New York Times is a source that covers things such a politics, culture, economy, live coverage, arts, daily living, opinion columns, cooking, video, and so many other topics that someone is able to learn about and get clear knowledge of. 

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