Sunday, February 12, 2023

Blog Post #6 - The Chart of Cable News: Diffusion.

How Cable News Adapted to the Chart. 

The chart of Diffusion is made up of 5 sets of people and the Long Tail. Pioneers were the first to adopt an idea. These are visionaries who saw the idea and potential, also can be the most expensive time of the products existence. With CNN this would be the time when the idea of a New Network prospering and growing slowly. After the Pioneers would be the Early Adopters. These are the people that see how it could work and how it could grow, and when businesses love the idea. In terms of CNN this would be when Ted Turner bought CNN with his hopes of growing the brand. Next step would be the Normal People (Early Majority) starting to see the idea. This is also when society was buying into the idea. For CNN this would be Turner overcoming the hatred that he was originally receiving and him continuing to grow CNN. After would be the Late Majority. This is those who did not originally see the brilliance of the idea would start to come around. For CNN, Turner started to gain this progression when it came to the growth of CNN and overcoming their biggest competitor. The Laggards come second to last which are those that just simply do not see the point in the product. CNN and every brand, or anything really, will always have the Laggards and those are the people that will never turn their ideas around into seeing the point as to buying it or investing in it. Lastly is the Long Tail, which is the point which we learn that there will never be a zero percent of people that do not have the product of have the product. This is what businesses fear. CNN and other brands use this as a way to try and move back to the Pioneer stage and think of new things to add to the brand in order to reinvent. Without reinvention, then brands will hit an impasse and they will hit  a wall on new people to find the brand. 

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