Monday, February 27, 2023

Final Blog Post - My Relationship with Technology.

 My Personal Relationship with Technology. 

Technology is a tricky subject to come to terms with. Yes, in the FUTURAMA Ride video the future (now modern day) is pictured as us having colonies in space, traditions and faiths preserved, limitless promises through technology, new sciences to feed the world, and so much more, which we have not accomplished. The video does, however, talk about a few things that we have been able to accomplish such as underwater hotels, self-driven cars, moving walkways, and the lunar rover. Although the video does talk about the advances in technology, it does not touch on the same kind of effects as "Tears for Fears" video. "Tears for Fears" touches on the idea that we are addicted and attached to our phones. The main idea is that no matter what is going on and what the world is going through, phones will always come first, along with posting and getting the message out there. I think the video does have some true to it, but I also believe that it is an exaggeration of the truth. I believe that we are stuck to our phones, but I also believe that that has brought us closer together as a community. With the help of our phones and instant videos and photos we have been able to bring things like Citizen Journalism into light, the collecting and reporting of information via social media, public platforms, and traditional news outlets. These types of revolutionary upbringings have changed the way that people have been able to communicate through technology. 

Personally, I know that Social Media and technology have changed my life in many ways. Yes, I do think I am hyper fixated on my phone a lot and it does distract me at times, but it has also brought me many opportunities and ways to share the things that I have done. Instagram and Tik Tok have become my two main forms of sharing my art. My future, as of right now, revolves around my art. My dream is to open a studio, share art, teach art, and primarily center my future around those ideals. I have other social medias like Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and a couple others but I do not put a lot of energy and time into those because I prefer the ones that I truly found a community on. My art Instagram account has acted as a virtual portfolio and a way for me to connect with other artists both at school and I have also met a lot of people through following them and the other way around. 

Social Media has altered the way that people have been able to connect with families as well. My family all lives in different states and through social media we have been able to connect with each other and see each others posts to stay connected with each other. We text each other but sometimes with school, work, and being in different states it is hard for us to all be able to text as much as we want. My mom, aunts, uncles, and grandparents do not use social media often, especially as much as me and my cousins, but they do check sometimes in order to keep up with us, which shows to me, that social media is not as bad as people make it out to be. 

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Final Blog Post - My Relationship with Technology.

 My Personal Relationship with Technology.  Technology is a tricky subject to come to terms with. Yes, in the  FUTURAMA Ride video  the futu...