Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Blog Post #11 - What I learned in EOTO #2

 EOTO Presentations. 

During the second round of EOTO presentations I learned about a lot of different topic, along with my own, Echo Chambers. Through my peers I was able to learn about false flags, cancel culture, confirmation bias, Spiral of Silence Theory, and more. 

I learned the false flags are a political or military action carried out with the intention of blaming an opponent for it to justify an attack of invasion. Nations have done this by staging real simulated attacks on their own side and accusing their enemies of the attack in order to get one side on the same agreement of attack. An example of the U.S. pulling this kind of trick was Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods was against the American citizens and it was meant to stage and commit acts of violent terrorism against the American military and citizens, blaming them on the Cuban government and using it to justify a war against Cuba. 

Cancel Culture was another topic that we learned about and we learned that it is primarily when a group rejects and stops supporting someone because they have said or done something that is offensive to another. Cancel culture ultimately is responsible for holding people accountable for his or her actions. It is used to show what can happen and a good way to keep people self aware of their actions. Celebrities have even had many instances where their lives were altered due to cancel culture. J. K. Rowling is an example. She was "cancelled" because her offensive comments about the transgender community came to light. Chrissy Teigan also was "cancelled" because of old "mean tweets" that she had made. She was so scrutinized that she could barely leave her house. 

Confirmation Bias is another topic that we went over. It is a biased decision making process, typically unintentional, based on preconceived opinions and stereotypes. They occur when someone collects evidence or information that is in agreement with their opinions and beliefs and ignores anything that disproves or argues against them. 

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