Thursday, February 9, 2023

Blog Post #8 - The Progressive Era: Anti-War.

Lack of Anti-War. 

When it comes to Anti-War topics, you do not seem to see much of it, do you? Seems a little odd that peace and the humble life of not having fear is lacking in the media, doesn't it? Ever wonder why? Well, there is a way to read up on Anti-War and crisis awareness pages, you just need to seek them out. Looking back, you can see that those who would speak out against war would be punished harshly, even though their intent was to abolish the violence that countries were enduring. Antiwar movements have risen in the sense of hoping to prevent the government or officials from escalating fights and, of course, war with other countries. One of the most recent rises in the Antiwar movement was those fighting against the war of Ukraine and Russia, in the hopes of deescalating that tension. Dissent Magazine  says, "Perhaps the most obvious, and most significant, reason for the absence of a large and persistent antiwar movement is the nature of the enemies the United States has been fighting since the fall of 2001." Antiwar "propaganda" began to be considered a crime and you would be put behind bars, but why? Well, the government makes it harder to go against their wishes when things like, "According to the just war doctrine, war is an appropriate response if all attempts at nonviolent resolution of the conflict have failed. It is also permitted as self-defense against a serious attack, and if there is a reasonable chance of success. Those engaging in warfare must not create a situation that is worse than the one they are trying to eliminate", are said to the public. The Progression of the world would not be available without growth and prosperity, but it seems like the government and officials all have the same ideas on how to do that, destroying those that could possibly be in his or her countries way. 

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