Thursday, February 9, 2023

Blog Post #7 - What I Learned in EOTO.

 What I Learned in the EOTO Presentations. 

During the EOTO presentations I learned about many different innovations. The drones was a very interesting object to learn about. I learned that they were first coming into light in March of 1917 during WWI and were invented by Abraham Karem in his Los Angeles garage. Drones changed the course of the war and were a very vital play in the war tactics following their creation. They are also used for monitoring climates, but do have their pros and cons, as anything else ever created does. Pros of the drone include enforcing safety and enhancing surveillance, reaching areas that people otherwise can not when there has been a natural disaster or event causing lack of easy accessibility,
they help just overall get high views of different locations which creates more jobs for people to do those things, faster delivery with the help of a flying object, and very useful for businesses. The cons include being easily effected by the changes of weather, there is a danger aspect which means they could potentially harm someone, flight time does not last very long with their charge, they can be used for the wrong reasons such as stalking or viewing those without permission, and they can be pretty easily hacked. 

I also learned about the Post Service and its growth. The Postal Service was originally traced back all the way in Egypt around 2,000 BC. The postal process played a key role in communication back to back through the empires and across terrains. The governments use of the postal service for communication and for those of high profile and wealth, grew. It was very expensive to be able to do this type of communication so only the most wealthy and high profile really participated in early years. It also was not available to everyday people. The first source of government mail and communication was in France in 1477. Far later in 1792, the first post office was created with the passage of the Postal Service Act. 

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