Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Blog Post #5 - EOTO: Cable News Network

 CNN's History, Good and Bad

When you think of Cable News Networks, you may think of things such as CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and even some talk shows. You think of those channels and you think of the ideas that would come with them: economic knowledge, daily life of those in your area, weather, easy access to information, the knowledge we have gained based of the checks-and-balance system, and so many more. Sometimes you want that information at all times and CNN in particular can give you that. According to History.com, CNN was created on June 1, 1980 in Atlanta, GA. CNN originally became big on the scene once their piece about the attempted assassination of Vernon Jordan, a civil rights leader, says History.com. Robert Turner, also known as Ted Turner, was the main spokesman and father of the CNN brand. He adopted an Atlanta TV station that was doing poorly and wanted to transform it to broadcast into peoples houses all around the country. In its early years, CNN was made a joke and was quickly declining, but that did not stop Turner from investing and building, later buying Satellite News Channel, eliminating CNN's biggest competition, says History.com. CNN slowly grew to even higher fame. It became the first 24-hour all-news service according to Harold L. Erickson from Britannica. CNN began to not only broadcast news but also prime-time series and talk shows. 

Robert "Ted" Turner 

CNN was created in order to provide the country with accurate depictions as to what is going on in our daily life, business, technology, entertainment, sports, travel, weather, communications, and so much more. You would hope that there would be a system of broadcasting information to those in the country in order for us to stay update on the things goin on in our lives, and thankfully cable news networking platforms, like CNN, have made this possible for us. CNN's website gives you an idea about the types of issues, problems, facts, and information that they provide to the country. When looking at the "TRENDING" tag on the information bar at the top of the page, you are able to see the most popular events that are going on in the brains of fellow citizens. Having this kind of connection with the people in the country gives a better idea of what is the top priority tot hose near you. CNN also provides you with a "LIVE UPDATES" tab that gives you live updates about major events happening around the world and the coverage that the CNN team is able to provide. 

CNN and other cable news network are there to provide us with the necessary information that the world has to offer. Whether the news is severe or just a happy story, there will always be someone there to cover it. The world is full of information to learn and cable news has been one of the main ways that we have been able to learn those stories. Without the knowledge being provided, we live in the dark age once again. We should be moving forward, and things like this are the first step 

Cited Sources: 

“Breaking News, Latest News and Videos.” CNN, Cable News Network, 19 Feb. 2014, www.cnn.com/. 

“CNN Launches.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 24 Nov. 2009, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/cnn-launches. 

Erickson , Harold L. “CNN.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., www.britannica.com/topic/CNN. 

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